Thursday, May 05, 2005


Just got back from visiting my good friend Lesley in Atlanta this week. An awesome trip, if not nearly long enough. We did have some crazy times getting there and back. On the way there we discovered our slight radiator leak had become a raging river of leakiness. Jeremy replaced the radiator on Monday (the first day of our trip, but fortunately the day with no activities planned) so we could get home. And on the way home on Wednesday, there was a bad wreck on I-20 in Columbia, SC that included a Medi-Vac which meant the interstate was shut down and we sat in Columbia for two hours.

But aside from those two things, we had a great time. Atlanta is a cool city, and it's always nice to see good friends. Lesley is one of only a few friends from college that I've actually gotten to see since graduation, and now that we live in North Carolina we're actually within driving distance which rocks. I've had a little post-trip funk though. Why is it that seeing people after a long absence often makes you miss them more? It's as though it reminds you of how much you wish you could be with them in person all the time. Ultimately though, I am thankful when I do get to see those friends, even with the post-visit ache, because there are a lot of people I love who I haven't seen at all in quite a while.

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

Dave said...

Welcome to the blogging community. You're black horn-rimmed glasses and pocket protectors should arrive in 4-6 weeks. I've tried to talk Katie into becoming one of us, but I never was good at converting people...