Tuesday, May 31, 2005

June, june, june

It's not even June 1, and already the month is jam-packed. On Friday, Jeremy's parents come into town for a few days. June 11-ish, we move to a new house, and before that have to get ahold of our new landlord for some lease and pre-lease discussions. Somewhere around June 15, Jeremy's brother comes to visit. And in the midst of all of that are the usual: work, laundry, cleaning...oh yeah, and getting our decrepit cars fixed. I am looking forward to all of these things, especially the visits from family, and really want to savor and enjoy their visits, not view them as one link in an endless chain of events. Last night, I nearly had a nervous breakdown thinking about it all, but my wondeful husband reminded me that the only thing to do is take each event, each day one at a time. And when you look at it like that, it really isn't as overwhelming, but I have a hard time with that, you know? Piece by piece, moment by moment, one at a time. Why do I have such a hard time with that? I love it in theory, and have even vowed that our next home-improvement project will be tackled that way, but sometimes I take the whole "keeping an eye on the big picture" to the extreem.

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