Sunday, May 08, 2005

Other people's expectations

There are certain expectations that society puts on a person; certain "norms" that most of us feel some pressure to live up to. Now, some of these are good and productive for a harmonius society -- the expectation to not be a murderer for example. But others I'm not so sure about. Like the expecation to have a certain type of career or a certain kind of home. But why do we let ourselves feel pressured by this? Okay, I'll just be honest: why do I let myself be pressured by this; by what other people think? Are there people out there who can honestly say they don't care what other people think, and if you're out do you do it!!!!???? I try, and sometimes I just go ahead with what I want to do despite how strange it might seem to some people. But deep down I wonder what those people DO think. But I'm working on it. Thankfully I've got some wonderful friends and family who even if they think something I do is weird, they never show it and are nothing but supportive; I hope I never underestimate that blessing.


Jason said...

I totally know what you're talking about. I sometimes worry that I care too much what people are thinking about me... It makes you too shy, I think. But I don't agree with people who have the idea that you shouldn't care what other people thing, like, AT ALL. You know? We're living in a society and interaction kind of depends on giving a thought to other people's opinons once and a while, including their opinions on you. Some people I know don't think this is true... but I think it is.

Amanda W said...

I agree with you Jason about needing to be conscious of what other people think for the whole harmonious society thing. I guess it's just a matter of finding that everything else in life.

Amanda W said...

French Fries with frosties rules the world!!!!

p.s. hey kentesheia

Jasmine said...

That is a great post amanda. I've been thinking the same thing for a long time. Why do people laugh at me? Why do i care? Why do i drink sometimes? it tastes bad usually. It makes me sick usually. Soemtimes it's okay. But not that delicious, like a milkshake. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they all say it's better than yours...