Monday, November 27, 2006

purple and black and blue

Those are the colors of my toe. Well, the colors are beginning to fade, but last week at this time they were nice and bright. Because I broke my toe. The middle one, to be exact, which is a big pain because you can't avoid the middle toe when you're walking and I'd been doing really well with exercising, but everything I like to do puts pressure on the broken toe. (sigh). Sorry. Whine fest is over. Maybe I'll learn to be less of a klutz. ;)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

did you vote???

Today, as I was waiting outside the polls (after voting, of course) for Jeremy and Jeanette, I heard someone who had just exited the polls tell someone else that they voted for someone "because they have the same name as NASCAR driver."

Long live democracy. :)

Thursday, November 02, 2006


This post really isn't about pumpkins, but I couldn't think of a better title. :)

So, I got accepted to North Carolina Central University's master's program for Library Science. Yay! Now I can be the nerd I was always born to be. :) I probably won't start until next fall; summer at the earliest. But that's okay. With the business starting up this summer, I think I need only one major life happening/change/activity at a time. For my own sanity and stress level.

We watched the movie "Thank You For Smoking" a couple weeks ago. It was pretty funny. As far as theater movies go...I've seen Marie Antoinette and The Departed recently. (two in one month! Crazy). I enjoyed Marie Antoinette a lot more than I expected. You alternately feel sorry for her and think 'what are you thinking!' She (and King Louis) come across as very real, sympathetic characters. Kind of young and stupid, but you kind of don't want to blame them for being young and stupid. The movie really made me want to learn more about the actual history of that time period. Oh, and the music and sets and costumes were great.

The Departed was really good as well. A gangster movie for sure (language, violence, etc.), so if you don't like that genre you probably wouldn't like it. But it's a head trip in a good way. At least, I thought so. My friend Ryan didn't really like it.

Anyway.... happy Thursday!