Friday, May 20, 2005

A little bit of everything


Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was pretty sweet. I mean, it's Star Wars, so color that with whatever that means to you (if you hate Star Wars, you'll hate this; if you like Star Wars you'll like this; etc.). One thing I really noticed especially was how much the soundtrack rocked. It really added to the emotion of the film.

On the vehicle front: AHHHHHHHH!!!!! That's all I can say. But I'm feeling more optimistic today that it will soon be fixed. I guess this is what you get for driving around a car with 149,000 miles on it.

Other stuff: I've realized that I put too much stock in things, life being "in control." I want things to be ordered, stable, ducks-in-a-row type stuff but you know what? Life isn't like that. I can't control it. I'm not the one in control and the sooner I realize that and just hop along for the ride, I think the better off I'll be. Not that it's a bad thing to want order and stability -- it's just part of my personality I think, and not a bad part. But my problem is that I try and put my faith in that rather than where it belongs -- in my Lord. Anyway...deep thoughts for my day off (which...I also have tomorrow off, the first Saturday in at least two months and I'm so excited!).

Happy Friday, ya'll!

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