Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I am, if nothing else, a copy-cat. Imitation is still the sincerest form of flattery, right? :)

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. babysitter
2. restaraunt hostess
3. newspaper reporter
4. barrista

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Sense and Senisbility
2. Waiting for Guffman
3. Lord of the Rings trilogy
4. White Christmas

Four books you could read over and over:
1. Anne of Green Gables series
2. The Last Silk Dress
3. Harry Potter series
4. Zion Covenant series

Five places you have lived:
1. Portland, Oregon
2. Independence, Missouri
3. Searcy, Arkansas
4. Houston, Texas
5. Wilmington, North Carolina

Four t.v. shows you watch:
1. The Amazing Race
2. Lost
3. The O.C. (I know, I know... guilty pleasure)
4. Bones

Four places you have vacationed:
1. Spain
2. England
3. Chicago
4. San Antonio

Four web sites you visit (nearly) daily:
1. Yahoo mail
2. various friends' blogs

Four favorite foods:
1. Anything Italian
2. Peaches and strawberries
3. Mexican...especially if it involves homemade tortillas
4. My mom's chicken noodle soup

Four places you would rather be (if I had to...I like here just fine right now):
1. Laying on the beach
2. Hiking in the mountains (or sitting in my mountain cabin)
3. With family
4. Hanging out with friends I haven't seen in months

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