Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Morning and Night

When someone asks me "Are you a morning perons or a night person?" I generally say night. Mainly because on most days I'm in a semi-comatose state for about an hour after I wake up. But I've recently begun to question whether or not that's necessity. Being a shift worker my schedule changes weekly, but 98 percent of the time I either have to be at work at 5:30 a.m., 5:45 a.m. or 6:30 a.m. Occassionally, I get to sleep in and arrive by 7 a.m. Fortunately, I live about 8 minutes from work. But still. At first I naturally balked at having to set my alarm clock for 4:45 a.m. That's the middle of the night!! But in the past year I have grown to love the perks of early rising: being off work by 2 p.m., sometimes noon or 1:30, thereby having afternoons free to get things done or even nap and then get things done. I've grown to enjoy the silence and freshness of the time just before dawn, and I like to watch the sunrise, to watch the world wake up.

Of course, on my days off, I sleep late. And I'm tired a lot because I usually don't go to bed early enough.

Am I turning into a morning person? Is morning person/night person a strange and irrelevant concept? Just rambling.


Patti said...

I am a night person but once I had kids I had to pretend to be a day person. Over time, it felt more natural. I can stil mamange to be out at 2 or 3 am and be very alert. In fact, I am at my best then but the reality of my life is up at 6 am and in bed by 11 pm.

I think we are very adaptable.

Amanda W said...

Adaptable....God's pretty smart, huh? :)

The Sundlies said...

Yes, you know about that eeriness just before dawn. My favorite time of day. And remember Gus McCrae with his sourdough biscuits and Bible at sunrise?