Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

Love 'em? Avoid them? Make them? Break them?

A new year is a nice, well-defined, fresh start and fresh perspective. A natural place to make and re-evaluate goals. For the last few years I've avoided writing down any hard and fast resolution has been to try and set goals throughout the year. But maybe I'd see more success if I made some defined resolutions. Or maybe I'd just dissapoint myself. I'm generally a hard and fast person -- by that I mean I like structure, closure, defined boundaries, etc. But somehow I shy away from that when it comes to goal setting (or resolution making). Maybe I'm just lazy. Maybe I should stop analyzing things so much. :)

So seriously, what about you? To resolve or not to resolve, that is the question.


erinlo said...

I usually make one or two resolutions at the new year and very rarely make it past a month or two.

I think it's better to remember that since we're Christians, every day is a new day and we can have new resolutions every day!!!

Amanda W said...

word, erin

Patti said...

I resolve to live another day- ome day at a time is the best I seem to manage- no i'm not in AA!

erinlo said...

Amanda- could you e-mail me with your contact info??? I have misplaced it- thanks!!!