Monday, February 27, 2006

a good scrub

Up until maybe a month and a half ago, I'd never scrubbed a floor in my life. Oh, I've mopped plenty, but never a down-on-your-knees-Cinderella-type scrub. But about a month and a half ago I decided our kitchen floor needed that kind of scrub. Why? you ask. Because the white, grooved linoleum is a magnet for dirt. It's a gray floor, not white, and we mop regularly. So I thought, let's see if scrubbing works. Did it? well, it looked better, but not crystal clear. Was it worth it? not really. But I did get a good upper body workout! My second scrubbing experience happened today at work. Long story short: everyone has to scrub two tiles a day until the floor is better. This is a floor that somehow (depsite daily mopping) looks even worse than my kitchen floor. I've seen people scrub it and it never seemed to help. Apparently, our boss-boss thought differently and told us so in very condescending and demeaning terms. Needless to say, while I was scrubbing, I was mentally telling him exactly what I thought of his so-called "leadership style". Interestingly enough, when I was done (with visible improvements made on my section of the floor) I felt much better. Guess a little physical labor is good for the soul. And thankfully, God once again had my back, because this individual never showed up (as he occassionally and unexpectedly does) while I was working leading to words that probably should not have been said.

1 comment:

Dan Dalzell said...

I guess, in something akin to the disciples' footwashing of old, that a little humble servant work is good for our soul.

I've got some floors that might need help if you're ever back in the Tomball area!