Saturday, March 11, 2006

Entertainment, etc.

Yay Amazing Race!!!!!! I have to say, for anyone watching this newest installment, that I really, really hope that Eric and Jeremy are the next to go because their disgusting comments toward the girls (and all women actually) are getting very, very old. Enough with the frat boy personnas.

Watched a couple of movies this week/weekend. Shaun of the Dead, and Flightplan. Yes, I realize how totally different these movies are. Flightplan was very suspenseful, I thought, and well-done. I like Jodi Foster as well as Sean Bean and neither dissapointed me.
Shaun of the Dead was.....hilarious in a bizarre, twisted kind of way. I wasn't planning on watching it, not being a fan of zombie movies at all, but this isn't your typical zombie movie. I would discribe it as a British movie about clueless, slacker, 20-something guys and their relationships with girls, their parents and each other. With zombies. Flesh-eating zombies.

Anyway. Tonight it's either Cinderella Man or Walk the Line (I know, I know...I'm terribly behind).



erinlo said...

Amazing Race-Yay!!!! We're watching and it's the ONLY show we are watching in an attempt to keep the TV turned off!! And I have to agree with you. I can not stand those frat boys. They are total total jerks. So far, I'm lovin' the nerds. Nerd power!!!!

Patti said...

You aren't the only one behind in movie viewing! Netflix sent me Walk the Line today. I still haven't seen Rent!

Amanda W said...

we ended up watching Cinderella Man which was an excellent movie, but Walk the Line is still top on my list of movies-to-see.