Friday, February 10, 2006

a couple of movies

On Monday, I went with some girl friends to see Junebug (there's an old theater in town that has an independent movie series every week or two). I really enjoyed it. Jason told me I'd like it, and again, he was correct. It's a very realistic movie, but without that depressing "life totally sucks" attitude that a lot of "realistic" dramas take on. Yeah, the relationships between most everyone in the film could have stood an overhall, but there was a little bit of hope at the end. And as far as the characters went, there were times when I loved each character, and times when I couldn't stand them...kind of like a lot of real people out there! Amy Adams' character was the one exception -- I liked her all the time. Well, and maybe the dad too. I also appreciated that they portrayed the South without making fun of it.

Second movie I've seen recently: Elizabethtown. I made the mistake of reading too many reviews on it....and most critics didn't really like this movie at all. So I was distracted by their voices in my head. But overall I enjoyed the movie. It had a kind of disjointed, mismatched feel during the first half, but I think it kind of worked because it's a disjointed time in this guy's life. If I had to sum up the movie it would be sweet and quirky with a kickin' soundtrack. It's one I think I could watch again and enjoy more.

Happy Friday!


Patti said...

Posting twice in one week, you are on a roll! LOL :)

erinlo said...

We'll have to put those movies on our que. We always love movies you suggest!

Amanda W said...

ha're so right patti. I'm such a terrible blogger!

Thanks Erin. I hope you enjoy the movies when you watch them.

Dan Dalzell said...

I've never even heard of those. I must be out-of-touch! (I'll have to look them up on the web now.)

Jason said...

Score! Very happy to hear you finally got to see Junebug and enjoyed it! I knew you would. Didn't you love the part where Johnny tried to record the meer-kats for Ashley... That was my favorite scene, showing you something you knew about his character, but hadn't gotten a chance to see in his behaviour up to that point. (The British spelling right there was totally unconcious... but I'm leaving it there for everyone to wonder about... weird. I'm not really that guy, but there you go...)

I also watched Elizabethtown recently, and was somewhat surprised. It also seemed disjointed to me... liked it was trying too hard to be quirky, but there were parts that really worked. Orlando Bloom was pretty good in those moments, but I don't think he's a very natural comedian... not in the quirky style at least.

Amanda W said...

That was also my favorite part of Junebug!

The Sundlies said...

Cousin, we just watched Junebug a couple weeks ago and were definitely impressed also. Found it on the black market in China. Funny place to find a movie like Junebug, hey? I agree, its portayal of the South was good--a rare thing. The sister-in-law (I think you said her name) was really something. Did you see her at the Oscars?