Friday, August 26, 2005


Well, Jason had this on his blog, and since I can never resist talking about myself here goes....

Seven things I....

Plan to do before I die:
1. learn to swim
2. learn to play the guitar
3. hike the Appalachian Trail
4. become a published author (not as ambitious as Jasmine :)
5. take Jeremy to Europe
6. run a 5k race
7. visit Prince Edward Island

Things I can do:
1. make a fantastic cup of coffee
2. write
3. play the piano, although not as well as I used to
4. spend an entire day watching movies OR reading a book ;)
5. bake a loaf of French bread (just discovered this one tonight)
6. take a pretty good photograph
7. drive a stick

Things I can't do:
1. surf
2. play any woodwind or horn instrument
3. tolerate rudeness or meanness
4. see without corrective lenses
5. whistle
6. reach the top shelf of our kitchen cabinets without standing on a stool or a chair
7. go for long periods of time on very little sleep

Things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. kindness
2. Christian
3. eyes
4. smile
5. genuineness
6. hard body ;)
7. being named Jeremy Waters

Things I say most:
1. "I was like..."
2. "Good morning, what can I get for you?"
3. "Would you like any cream or sugar?"
4. "I love you"
5. "Fantastic"
6. "Thank you"
7. "I'm hungry"

Celebrity Crushes:
1. Hugh Jackman
2. John Cusack
3. Bradley Cooper
4. Ewan McGreggor
5. Jason Statham
6. That's all...
7. I can think of

People I want to take this quiz:
1. Erin
2. Steve
3. Nicole
4. Katie
5. Lesley
6. Dave
7. Jeanette

1 comment:

hellosputnik said...

Hi, Amanda. I have taken the quiz. It's buried among the comments on Jasmine's blog.