Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Miscellaneous happenings

Tonight's another episode of the Amazing Race!!! I'm such a goober, I know, but I just love that show. Best reality show, in my opinion. And if the couple from Houston doesn't win...well, let's just say I'll be less than happy.

I just got done watching the movie Napolean Dynamite, and I have to say I love that movie! Funny, silly, and characters who either remind you of yourself or someone you know. And the thing I love most about the characters is that they never apologized for who they were. Inspiring.

I also recently finished a mystery novel called "Death by Station Wagon" bought for 50 cents at a library used book sale. It was really good, and I think the first in a series. The main character is a former Wall Street guy whose career tanked and now he's trying his hand as a detective in suburban New Jersey. It's kind of a cross between a mystery and a commentary on American suburbia.

Until next time.

1 comment:

Jason said...

You're not a goober for liking the "Amazing Race"... it's those who cannot appreciate who are the goobers in life, Amanda. Always. How awesome was last night's episode? I don't hate Rob and Amber as much as other people, but I loved it when his psych!out at the airport totally backfired. Oh, and isn't Kelly insane? That whole POW conversation... I like Ron, but that lady is crazy...

"Napoleon Dynamite" is awesome, geeeez! Can you bring me my chapstick, my lips hurt real bad!