Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Mrs. Peters dreaded her final task Thursday afternoon, but was determined to see it through as soon as possible. She tapped on Teresa Williams’ office door.

“Come in.”

“Hi Teresa,” Mrs. Peters said. “Do you have a minute.”

Teresa invited Mrs. Peters in, but guardedly. The look on Mrs. Peters face was not heartening. And after a few minutes, Teresa wished she’d just locked the door in Mrs. Peters face. As Mrs. Peters talked Teresa muscles stiffened and her knuckles turning white as she unconsciously gripped the arms of her chair.

“Teresa, you must know that this kind of attitude and behavior is not healthy for you or for the girls that you coach. I came to you today because I want to give you the chance to step down and leave the school quietly. No one has to know why, and no one will press charges.”

“I’ll sue you for slander,” Teresa said, her voice full of fire.

“Teresa, I have proof. Written statements,” Mrs. Peters stood up. “I’ll give you until Monday. If you haven’t stepped down by then, I’m going to the board of directors on Tuesday night.”

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