Monday, February 12, 2007


I'm terrible at coming up with titles sometimes for just random, "this is today" posts. So purple has nothing to do with anything. Just a color.

We played ultimate frisbee yesterday afternoon for an hour or two. I'm a little sore today, sadly. But I haven't done that much sprinting in a long time. Not to mention the sprint-stop abruptly-change directions thing in while. That's what really kills I think.

Finished reading a mystery paperback called Monday Mourning. It's the series that the t.v. show Bones is based on, if anyone is ever heard of that show (we watch's pretty good). Of course, "based on" is very loose in this case. The character has the same name and profession, but the setting/other characters/etc. is completely different. Of course, that was a little hard to get around at first when I was reading the book, because I still had a picture in my head that didn't fit. But I got over it. And it was a good book.

So. rambling post. It's a monday, what can I say. :)


Patti said...

I read one of the first books that had the character from Bones in it. I didn't particulary like the book but like the show. I too thought there was little resemblance between the two.

Amanda W said...

I know! very little resemblence. Once I got past that, I enjoyed the book fine; not great literature or anything, but better than some stuff I've read. I'd probably read another.