Tuesday, January 30, 2007

odds and ends

well, i've been m.i.a., that's for sure. school's going pretty well so far. only 4 weeks in, it's hard to make any hard and fast observations. the delayed feedback on assignments, etc. is the only downside so far to online classes. i love not having to work my schedule around actually attending classes.

what else is new....nicole's dad is in town for an extended stay -- he's looking to rent a house for a month or two (she's hoping two, or longer). so that's new and different. i've started taking some yoga classes about once a week. i bought a six-class card, so i've been trying to space it out. i'm enjoying it so far; i'm week enough that it's a good muscle workout, and it's really good for my inflexibe body. i have a tendency to tighten up if i don't stretch regularly, so this helps. today i'm going to try "hot yoga." it's basically regular yoga, but they turn the heat way up so you sweat a lot. doesn't that sound like fun! :)

no profound things to say today. i've seen both The Prestige and The Illusionist in the past few weeks. Very different movies, that's for sure; but i enjoyed them both. The Prestige is very dark; obsession is a big theme there. The Illusionist is more of a classic mystery and with an underlying love story. i really like Edward Norton, so that's a plus. of course, i really like the actors in The Prestige too (Michael Cain, Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman). Anyway, i recommend both movies.

happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Patti said...

Good to hear from you!