Tuesday, January 16, 2007

making preparations

So, I've decided that now's the time to start keeping tabs on the potential presidential candidates: what they're up to, what they think, what they've done or not done. I know a lot of you out there tend to keep up with this kind of thing ("news" and "politics" ;) on a regular basis, so if anyone has any good sources let me know. I'm looking for lots of good information without having to spend hours looking at millions of sources. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it....I'm into voting responsibly these days.

On a different note...
A few friends and I are encouraging each other to exercise with a little challenge we stole and adapted from one of their friends. Basically, we have a set number of days in which we are supposed to exercise, and if we miss a day, we have to contribute a dollar to our "jar" (it's actually a manilla envelope, but whatever). At the end of six months, whoever contributed the least to the jar gets the money. Then we start over. So far it's working pretty well...none of us want to give up our dollars! We'll see how it goes.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Jason said...

Hey Amanda! A great site (which you've probably heard of) is http://votesmart.org/index.htm... It keeps track of elected officials and candidates and their voting records/positions, etc...

And that is a good idea for the exercise program! Though, I think if you had an actual jar where you could see the money inside piling up (or, hopefully not piling up) you might be motivated even more...

Anyway, hope you're having a great New Year! Good luck with grad school!