Friday, September 08, 2006


Read a good book last week: A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby. Disclaimer: the book has a LOT of language in it; enough language to be rated R if it were a movie, but no other content issues. Anyway, it's about four people who end up on the same building New Year's Eve with the plan to jump and commit suicide. They end up talking themselves down and the book is basically about what happens after. It's a book that could be depressing, but somehow isn't. And it isn't a "Disney" ending either so...anyway, I enjoyed it.


Unknown said...

I loved this book too. I didn't feel anything like the emotional connection I felt with High Fidelity, but it's still a great book. Hornby is one of the best writers around.

hellosputnik said...

I highly recommend his book "How to Be Good."

Amanda W said...

I'll have to check it out.