Thursday, July 27, 2006

a little of this....a little of that

So, Texas Joe's Construction has officially opened up shop. For anyone who doesn't know, Jeremy has started his own screen porch business. Starting a business is scary! But we prayed about it a lot, and I am confident knowing God is in control.

Work has been a little different lately. My boss moved away, one of the full time baristas was hired as a manager, and one of the other full time baristas got a new job at an architectural firm. But the change is all right. Just takes some getting used to. On a semi-related note, I learned about something called Wickles yesterday. Anyone ever tried Wickles? check this out:

What else....
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and enjoyed it. I'm excited to see how they wrap up the trilogy. I also went to see The Devil Wears Prada. It was funny and very enjoyable. All of the actors were fantastic.

Anyway, I'm tired and feeling the opposite of verbose, so peace out.


Patti said...

I will definitly have to try wickles!
I read The Devil wears Prada so I have been scared to see the movie for fear of being disappointed. Maybe and Amber and I will try it this weekend?

Amanda W said...

They do change the story up some, but I wasn't too dissapointed and I've read the book as well.