Friday, July 21, 2006

hitting the ground running

Camp was really great. There were some challenging moments, and it was hot of course, but that didn't detract from the week at all. I felt like I interracted with the kids a little more/better this year, so that was cool, and I got to know the counselors better this year as well, which was awesome. Plus, it's always nice to get so far removed from every day's nice for getting a little perspective back.

Of course, now it's back to life. I'm trying to regain some discipline with my writing, along with keeping everyday life things in order (you know...stuff like cleaning house, grocery shopping).

anyway, that's all for now. Peace.


Patti said...

I enjoyed seeing Amber's pics from camp!
I am glad you had fun! Amber said some kids thought Jeremy was Italian all week because of his soccer shirts. She set them straight.
I hear he will be in town for his reunion. Phil will go to Bammel to see him- I am teaching so I can't.

erinlo said...

I'm really loving getting to see your husband, but I don't really like him being here without you. The boys are outside smoking cigars and I'm blogging...on a Firday night. I wonder what I'd be doing of you were here........

Probably NOT blogging. So sad.