Friday, April 07, 2006

blue skies, green grass, strong breeze

Patti shamed me into writing. ;) just kidding, about the shaming I mean. Patti did gently remind me that I'm horrible about posting (although my friend Steve is worse).

I watched Memoirs of a Geisha this week. It was really good; I'd read the book, and naturally think it's better, but only because there's more to it, which is natural. It's interesting because the story is about a world with a lot of things wrong with it, a lot of stuff that morally I really don't agree with. But at the same time, it doesn't try to convince you that the world of a geisha is okay, just tries to tell you a story about it. Ultimately, it's a story about the choices we make, and what happens when you really have no choices. As far as the movie goes, the actors and actresses are all fantastic, and the costumes and setting are really cool as well.

Let's see what else I can say....I'm working this weekend, but had last weekend off so it evens out. Plus it's nice sometimes to have days off during the week while everyone else is working. Yesterday I spent all day shopping for a new warm-weather quilt for the bed. Ironically, I ended up just buying a white cotton blanket. But it was fun, so I guess that's what matters, right? :)

Everyone have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Patti said...

nice to hear from you! :)