Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Garden State

Watched Garden State last night and enjoyed it....Steve, you were right. :) However, stupd Blockbuster online sent us a DVD that crapped out in the middle. So i missed about three scenes in the middle -- it froze up during the hampster burial and let us return to the action when Largeman and Sam were in a bar right before jumping half-clothed into a pool with a bunch of other people. Has anyone seen this recently enough to fill me in on the missing chunk?

But aside from that, I liked the movie a lot. I loved the character progressions and randomness and humor and heart. And the actors were all fabulous. I did think it sad though that part of the main character's big epiphany was that this life was all there is, so he better live it as hard as he can. While I can jump on board with the live life to its fullest part, the best thing about life is that this ISN'T all there is.


hellosputnik said...

I knew I was right!! :)

Jasmine said...

Jason used to spell hamster 'hampster' too! I think it's a mark of awesomeness.

Jason said...

You mean you don't spell it hampster?? I still spell it that way!! Well, not any more I won't...

And yes, Amanda, "Garden State" was a good movie. I saw it with Steve, but was less enamoured of it than he, and I guess now you. Still, I liked it a lot based solely on the joke where the doctor has so many diplomas on his wall that one is actually on the ceiling...