Wednesday, June 22, 2005


All things must change to something new, to something strange. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This is a plea to anyone who feels stuck in a situation and therefore feels very discouraged and/or unhappy:

Do something about it.

I know, I know. it sounds easy to say it and it's hard to do. Believe me, I know. But if you never try, you'll never know, right? Look good and hard at what's holding you it worth your misery?
But I can't do a complete 180, you say. Well then, there has to be some way to still do something beginning with perspective. The Bible study I attend is studying the Old Testament book of Ecclessiastes, otherwise known as the book of meaninglessness. Sounds depressing right? But it's not. It's all about perspective. Let's take Bob for example: Bob lives in Cityville (know it's lame, but just go with it) and hates it. His friends and family are all hours away and he hasn't really found a place there. But at this point, he doesn't feel like he can move because of his job. Bob becomes depressed and bitter. Then one day, Bob decides he's tired of being depressed and bitter and realizes that in the grand scheme of things, where he lives doesn't matter; it's meaningless, if you will. And even if he can't change the big, he can change the little. He starts taking one day at a time; doing different things; looking for joy in something besides where he lives or where he works; focusing on the good.

An overly-simple illustration I know, but my plea is still the same: don't let anything steal away your joy. Take it back, even if that means acknowledging a sucky situation and just choosing to ignore it. Even if it means braving the uknown. Even if it means risking failure to try something new.

If I sound preachy or self-righteous, I'm sorry; not my intent at all.

until later...


Jasmine said...

i agree amanda. we should enjoy what we have,and not obsess over what we don't. Have. Yet.
Can i get Bob's number? He sounds hot, and I'm trying to do something about this loneliness I have..I mean, yay! i have loneliness!
(just joking- not being sarcastic)

Jason said...

Bob doesn't like Cityville!! Doesn't he know about the tons of activities available to Cityvillians year-round? Have him contact the Cityville Recreational Activities Association on the web at

No, seriously, it's a good point. I mean, there's nothing helpful about sulking over your situation. If you can change it change it, if you can't change it then change things that are within your power to change. And even though we all know this, it's super easy to forget, isn't it...