Monday, November 17, 2008

Car Ride

All day I tried to talk to Pete. I'd be sitting next to him, flipping through a magazine and trying to figure out what exactly the thoughts and feelings were bouncing around my sleep-deprived brain. Nothing came. We spent the day about how we'd spent the one before, but around 8 p.m. we heard the low purr of a very expensive car pull up the driveway. Lights shone through the front window and we all just did our best impression of a deer in the headlights. I knew it was coming, but the knock on the door still made me jump. Pete stood up and walked to the door; he looked scared and resolute and strong. Tears came to my eyes as he opened the door to to two very large, very greasy guys with big muscles and faces that looked like they'd been pounded a few times.
"Guess this is it," Pete's voice just barely shook on the last word. The goons nodded.

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