Thursday, April 19, 2007


I know, I know...Patti will be harrassing me for not posting in months. :) The last couple of months can be summed up like this: baby shower, wedding shower, school, baby shower, lingerie shower, wedding planning, school, wedding shower. Oh, and little book reading, t.v. and movie watching (especially catching up on 6 seasons of Gilmore girls), and work thrown in. So, I've been having fun, but staying busy that's for sure.
Next week will be the last week of school for the semester; this week and next week I have A LOT of work to do. But the first semester has flown by with only one or two minor meltdowns. Like riding a bike; a tad cliche, but true. I can't take any classes this summer because of scheduling, but I'm looking forward to the fall semester, and I'm going to try and volunteer at our local library this summer for some experience; figure it can't hurt.
What else....
Here's a fun tidbit -- I think that I wrote a WHILE back about an exercise challenge that my friends and I entered in; basically we have to exercise 30 min. a day/5 days a week. For each day we don't exercise we put a dollar in a jar. (so if we only exercise 3 days we put $2 in, etc.). And of course, you get sick days. We started the first part of January, and so far there is only $8 in the jar. yay!

hope this weekend is one with plenty of joyful moments.

1 comment:

Patti said...

Nice to hear from you! :) Phil said he talked to Jeremy recently and all was well.