Wednesday, May 03, 2006

a couple of movies

Okay, everybody go out and rent the documentary Mad Hot Ballroom. It is awesome! It's about a program in New York City public schools that teaches fifth graders ballroom dancing; then they have a city-wide competition. Not only will it be entertaining and educational, but listening to those fifth graders will totally bring you back. I mean it it.

The other two movies I've watched recently were Casanova and Aeon Flux (going for opposite ends of the spectrum here). Casanova was all right. I slept through part of it, so I may have missed some good parts. It reminded me a lot of Shakespeare's comedies -- set in Venice at about that time, lots of confusion and mistaken identity, and it was kind of bawdy (isn't that a great word?). There were quite a few funny parts.

Aeon Flux was pretty good; it had a nice twist and some nice action and a really freaky girl who had her feet replaced with hands. (Ewe, ewe, ewe). If you like science fiction/action movies you'd probably like it. Jeremy liked it a lot and he'd seen the anime series.

That's all for now!

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