Thursday, September 08, 2005

A question

Why do people insist on having someone or something to blame for everything that happens in this world? Why must it be someone's fault? Sometimes there is a target for blame, but you know what? Shit happens. Period. Welcome to the world.


Jason said...

Amanda, I have been asking myself the same question the past couple of weeks. Why is that the main issue with Katrina seems to have become 'who's faul is it?'. It was a hurricane and no one caused it... I know the response could have been better, but people make mistakes and blunders and some enormous ones were made here, but it just seems like people seek out blame more than they have in the past. And its always more accusatory nowadays -- instead of figuring out what went wrong that didn't have to go wrong, it's more about who screwed up and how can be punish them.

Amanda W said...

here, here.