Monday, September 17, 2007

something different

Well, friends. Originally, I began this blog as an experiement in keeping in touch with friends, but it seems that I'm a pretty inconsistent blogger :) I think I'm as effective at staying in touch with "old-fashioned" email as I am with blogging. So, I've decided to try and adjust my use of this blog. Background: I am an undisciplined writer (some might argue that that makes me a non-writer, but I'm going for optimism here) who wants to be a consistent, "writing" writer. So I'm going to try a little exercise: turn this blog into a story, reminiscent of old-fashioned magazine serials. We'll see how it goes! The first installment may take a week or two to go online, so be patient but stay tuned.


hellosputnik said...

I have been wanting to do this for a few years, ever since I saw another blog doing something similar. Imagine if Jane Eyre had kept a blog. That's what it was like.

So, I think maybe I'll do the same. I think it'll keep me motivated knowing you're attempting the same thing.

Anyway, I'll I'm saying is, I think this is great.

lesley carroll said...

Very cool. I have just joined the 21st century and started a blog. I haven't sent anyone the link yet, but I plan on using mine for writing as well.
- Lesley

LaniDalzell said...

Sounds exciting! You are a terrific writer. I know you'll write an amazing serial story. "Tune in next week when you hear Amanda say. . ."

Adam Reed said...

I support this writing venture 100%. Good for you. Library science rules!!!
