Monday, May 21, 2007

a search

The church we attend out here in NC is searching for an associate/youth minister right now. This weekend we had a candidate out for an interview weekend. What a frustrating process! And -- being that I'm not an elder -- I'm not even that involved in the process. The struggle for me is how high do standards need to be? Do I need to be blown away by the candidate, or is "adequate" enough? The problem is, I'm really hoping to be blown away. Honestly, it just reminds me of how I really think that not having full-time/paid/staff ministers is sometimes better. Of course I also realize the bigger the church, the more impractical that is. Our church is tiny, but I also realize that it's important to think with growth in mind...plan for the future. On the other hand, even in a big church is full-time/paid staff really necessary? It does take a restructuring in our whole thinking and framework of church organization, but I think it warrants some thought at least. My basic thoughts are that developing a strong eldership and a strong network of deacons and volunteers could take the place of a full-time minister (more people doing the job of one person makes a light load for everyone). Elders or other gifted teachers could take turns preaching, or a church could pay someone to just preach -- no other duties. Unfortunately, I don't know if the congregation we attend right now is ready for that kind of radical shift in thought.


Patti said...

Amen sister! I like your ideas.

Dan Dalzell said...

You would need to have different expectations about how the public worship gatherings look, sound, & feel, if it's all done by volunteers. Many churches (esp. bigger ones) do such a "production" with nice printed materials, catchy video, lots of things projected, well-practiced music, full sound/AV team, etc., etc. It would be really difficult for this kind of thing to happen each week with an all-volunteer staff (as it is, it takes tons of volunteers AND several paid staff).

I think the best church models have a core of paid staff who recruit and equip and direct an army of volunteers.

Remember that the paid staff people are still human too, with not only strengths, but also inadequacies and deficiencies (I have no idea if those are spelled correctly!). I think you should be aiming high as you search for a minister with certain giftedness, but know that he or she will still have shortcomings. God bless you and your church in your search.