Tuesday, June 27, 2006


So, this week at our church is Vacation Bible School. I LOVED VBS as a kid. The church I went to growing up always went all-out for VBS. Lots of decorations, awesome skits....it was a blast. One of my favorite years, was the year my dad (who has volunteered for a while at VBS) swung across the baptistry on a "vine" and wrestled a "crocodile." That, and getting to finally be in the big kids class, i.e. fifth and sixth grade taught by Francie Brock, who did a great job at helping us feel like cool big kids.

So what about all you out there? VBS, anyone? Any fun memories?


Jason said...

I also looked forward to VBS. We made a couple of big moves as a kid, and I remember moving to Oklahoma and the first place we went where we got to meet and hang out with other kids was VBS. A bus came through the neighborhood... It was the first VBS I ever went to, I think I was in second grade.

And you're right! Moving up to the "big kids" class was a huge milestone! It's weird to think back on it, cause you really did feel like a cool older kid. And now you realize... you were 10.

Patti said...

My kids are finally all too old to attend VBS. Sad!