Monday, December 05, 2005

you would think....

...that since a Christmas station on satellite radio would play quite the variety of Christmas music. I like Christmas music, cheesy, non-cheesy...doesn't matter. I can even put up with listening to it all day at work but I really start getting grumpy when I hear "The Twelve Days of Christmas" for literally then tenth time in a nine-hour period of time. 10 times people! Please, XM Radio. No more "12 Days." No more.


erinlo said...

I am feeling the SAMe WAY about KSBL right now. They are playing only X-Mas songs until Christmas and they play the same ones over and over. So, I'm turning into a heathen and listening to alternative rock. They don't play Christmas songs. Thank God.

Jasmine said...

"thank God"

I think we should tune in to those stations only at certain times, like when going to see the lights or you know, when everyone feels like breaking out into a wintry song. It's mood music. You don't want to listen to barry white all the time do you? maybe some do. I don't know.

Amanda W said...

mood music...i totally agree.

Dan Dalzell said...

I'm weird I guess, 'cause I love to listen to Christmas music all day long (from about Nov. 1 through Christmas)! I've listened quite a bit to some stations on (and some of them get a little repetitive; they need longer playlists). I've had on KSBJ a lot at work (and yes, Erin, it seems like a lot of repeat plays).

Maybe it is "mood music", but I'm loving being in the Christmas mood!

Amanda W said...

I love that you are one of the spirits of Christmas, Dan! Whether it be music, or parties, or lights.