Wednesday, October 18, 2006


....don't have much to say, but I feel like my blog is neglected. :)

Went shopping today; let's hear it for birthday money! But I bought a red pillow for our khaki couch that in no way matches our other (maroon and navy and khaki striped) couch. Somehow, I thought the maroon was more red...negative on that. So...keep it with forward thoughts (I'd like to get a neutral-colored slipcover for that couch) or return it?

That's about it for shallow thoughts today. What about deep thoughts? you ask. Well, the biggest deep thought around here lately is not worrying about the future, but taking things one day at a time. Reminding myself that God is in control. Also, I'm trying to decide what to do about grad school. Once again, I missed the deadline because part of my application somehow didn't show up in their office -- even though I know it got mailed. So do I say, oh well, and wait until summer? Or do I just say, forget it, and look at something else (cooking school, maybe. or landscape architecture. who knows). or even just forget it and enjoy life as a lifetime barista and wanna-be writer. (that's a whole other struggle right there. Why can't I make myself sit down at the computer every day???? What's my problem???? besides the obvious laziness, of course. And how do I fix it.)

Still enjoying fall. With all the pine trees around here, I don't get to see too many leaves turn (a few). But I'm lovin' the air and the smells and the light.
